30th Anniversary of the Concert Hall of the Sophia Cathedral


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30th Anniversary of the Concert Hall of the Sophia Cathedral is a significant event in the cultural life not only in the town of Polotsk, but all over the country of Belarus.

For the first time music sounded in the Sophia Cathedral on February 19, 1983. Exactly 30 years ago, thanks to the unique acoustics a chamber music hall was opened, it has become known far beyond the city. In 1985, experts of the Czech company "Rieger Kloss" established an organ, made on an individual project, which organically joined in museum displays of the architectural monument and attracted great interest of music lovers.

Today we can proudly say that our concert hall is one of the best in Europe. Outstanding soloists (Irina Arkhipova, Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Mary Bieshu, Arthur Eisen, Oleg Pogudin, Natalia Gaida), world-famous musicians and bands from more than 25 countries (State Symphony Capella of Russia conducted by Valery Polyansky, Moscow State Academic Chorus by Vladimir Minin, State String Quartet n.a. M.I. Glinka, Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra run by Saulius Sondeckis) have performed in the Hall.

Annualy, the Sophia Cathedral houses more than 300 concerts of organ and chamber music. International Festival of Old and Modern Chamber Music keeps attracting Polotsk citizens as well as guests of the city. International Festival of Organ Music "Zvany Safii" is one of the highlights in the field of organ music in Belarus. This year festivals will be dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the concert hall and will give fans of classical music new unforgettable meetings with world-renowned musicians.

The programme of the 26th International Festival of Old and Modern Organ Music

Publication in the newspaper "Stsyah kamunizma" (1983)
The first concert in the Sophia Cathedral
Program of the first concert in the Sophia Cathedral
Symphony Orchestra of the State Broadcasting Company of the Republic of Belarus. Conductor - Konstantin Krimets (Russia)
The State String Quartet n.a. M.I. Glinka (Russia)
Lyubov Kazarnovskaya (Russia)
Svyatoslav Balza (Russia)
The Vocal trio "Relikt" (Russia)
The Vocal ensemble "Golosa Gruzii"
Anna Stepanova (Ukraine)
The Vocal ensemble "Chistyi golos" (Belarus)
The State Choral Capella of the Republic of Belarus n.a. G. Shyrma
Jury Gildyuk and the Minsk String Quartet
"Junyje talanty". Students of Polotsk Children Arts School
"Junyje talanty". Students of Polotsk Children Arts School
Lyubov Kazarnovskaya (Russia)